The Relationship between IQ, Emotional Quotient, Self-control Quotient and Mathematics.

Q1: Are IQ and Mathematics a good leading indicator (predictor) for success in life?

A1: There is no proven relationship between IQ and success. Anecdotal research shows Emotional Quotient EQ to be a better indicator in ADULTS.

The ONLY PROVEN (50+ years) predictor in 4/5-year-olds is SELF CONTROL. This is based on the MARSH MELLOW test. Some researchers have coined this the SCQ.  There is a strong correlation between high SCQ and success in work, marriage, health, sport, relationships, etc.

It is debatable whether this correlation is indeed CAUSATION. Perhaps it is an ESSENTIAL condition and NOT a SUFFICIENT condition.


Q2: Is there a relationship between IQ and SCQ? Does high IQ come with high SCQ? Does high SCQ also mean high IQ?

A2: There is no proven causal relationship.


Q3: Is it possible that Mathematics can strengthen SCQ?

A3: Mathematicians apply defined rules in a disciplined way to solve problems. This demands a high level of Self-Control in the application. The ORIGIN of this control is NOT in the mathematician as a person but in the SYSTEM! There is no proven research that this control is extended to other aspects of the mathematician’s life.


Q4: In that case: Why mathematics?

A4: The future is uncertain. Now more so than ever. It is impossible to predict what employment opportunities will exist in the future. Perhaps technology will redefine future relationships. For instance, your Facebook ‘friends’ did not exist some years ago.  It is however highly unlikely that mathematics will go out of fashion. It certainly will not be redefined, since it describes and predicts the behavior of God’s creation.

There is another very important aspect of our knowledge of the future.

In 2017, shortly after the SARS and H5N1 viruses caused some concern, actuaries simulated the spread of an airborne contagious pathogen from ANY major International Airport hub. The model predicted that: The infection would be GLOBAL within THREE DAYS!


Similarly, sound knowledge about the causes of climate change is PUBLIC!  Yet, it is IGNORED!


Q5: Is mathematics ESSENTIAL for future success?

A5: Mathematics has become important in recent history. It will never be essential like breathing, eating, and drinking.

Mathematics will become even more important but it will NEVER be SUFFICIENT!

The future will demand much more than JUST competence in mathematics.

Let us agree that mathematics will UNLOCK many doors to a successful future.


Q6: What can we, as parents, do in such uncertainty?

A6: There are several options:


a)    You can retreat into the past. This often seems to be the preferred option. I hear it every day: “I knew the multiplication tables by heart before I was in standard 4.”

We seem to forget that those ‘good old days’ are responsible for the MAJORITY of ADULTS that live in FEAR of mathematics!

In any case, it is an ILLUSION that the clock can be turned back.

b)    You can do nothing.  This seems to be the most prevalent option. The reason is that we seem to believe that it is beyond any one of us to change the present situation. This belief is based on a lack of knowledge and means. How can I change the Department of Education if the Government has not succeeded? Private mathematics-tutors are scarce and expansive.

c)    You try to affect change. Most efforts are given up after a little while due to the size and complexity of the problem. The University of Stellenbosch researched the impact of the billions of Rand spent on improving the quality of mathematics teaching. The conclusions were:

No measurable improvement!

d)    You can invest in all the many learning aids that are available in an over-crowded market. ALL of these have been around for a long time. Unfortunately, the conclusion seems to be No measurable improvement!

e)    What are the practical alternatives that are available to a parent?

ONE thing is certain about the future! It will demand:


I dream of parents that will spend as much money and energy on coaching in mathematics as is being done on RUGBY (or SOCCER).

The SINGLE most important CHANGE has to be:   

PREVENT FEAR of MATHEMATICS at a pre-school and foundation phase level.

The knowledge to do this is public. The results are beyond doubt. The investment will be a fraction of the cost of any one of the present initiatives.


Q7: What about grades 3, 4, 5, etc. Is it TOO LATE?

A7: It is NEVER TOO LASTE to take action. TM has a country-wide number of trained tutors to assist learners from pre-school and foundation phase to grade 5 level.

On-line teaching is now available for learners up to grade 5. As explained before: The very first objective is the BANISH FEAR of mathematics. After that most learners take off at a rate that seemed impossible some months ago. 

Prof. Koop Bullinge

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