Play and Failing forward in learning Mathematics



The most productive way to LEARN is through PLAY.

The attention span of a pre-school and Foundation Phase learner involved in ROOT learning is 10 min.

The attention span of pre-school learner involved in PLAY learning is HOURS.

Failing Forward

Much (most) of LEARNING is through FAILING with IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK. Learning to walk is the best example. If you and I had been spanked every time we failed to walk (fall) we would NEVER have LEARNED to walk.

Failing Forward should not be confused with BUMBLING BACKWARDS.

The key to FAILING FORWARD is IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK. Just think of only finding out that your ball was hit outside the line an hour AFTER you played the shot. Obviously, you can not learn to play tennis this way. BUT this is what we do when learning MATHEMATICS. In Afrikaans, praat ons van Slim Gesukkel.

 Mathematics is the single most important skill for future employment opportunities.

ALL normal FOUNDATION PHASE learners can ENJOY learning mathematics and SUCCEED (EXCELL) in it, provided:

1.   It is taught using a LEARNING WINDOW (40 days) that is built on PREVIOUS


2.   It is taught as a GAME that is PLAYED involving PHYSICAL ACTION equipping the ANALOG brain with DIGITAL SKILLS.

3.   FEAR is BANISHED. FEAR is mostly based on the FEAR of FAILING. Most successful learning incorporates FAILING FORWARD. If we had been spanked every time we failed to walk we would still all be crawling. Unfortunately, many learners and grown-ups are still crawling MATHEMATICALLY.

4.  Start as EARLY as possible. At the age of 4 if possible. BUT it is NEVER TOO LATE. ALL Foundation Phase learners DESERVE TOWERMATHS.


Prof. Koop Bullinge

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