
Showing posts from August, 2020


Once   Dr. Goldratt , the founder of the   Theory of Constraints , was challenged by an aggressive reporter to " summarize TOC in a single sentence ." Eli replied: " never mind a sentence, I'll explain in one single word: FOCUS! " Eli's   Five Focusing Steps , also known as the   Process of On-Going Improvement   or POOGI for short, serve as guideposts for driving on-going improvement.

Epi-Genetics and Attention filter of the brain

  Our DNA and our GENES are always in the news. A quick look at the role that technology plays in new knowledge. We have seen that BRAIN SCANS have shown us that we did not know what we did not know. In 2001 it took 15 years and 100M$ to plot the human genome. In 2020 it takes 3 hours and $300 to do it. It is of interest that the genome is a DIGITAL system.   In the popular press, we are daily reminded that we are products of our GENES. Only 2% of our DNA produces the proteins that make up our bodies. Up to 2005, it was generally accepted that the remaining 98% are JUNK DNA that serves no purpose.   In 2008 the term Epi-genetics was coined. It REDEFINED our knowledge of GENETICS. (i)          You are NOT the victim of your genes. (ii)         Junk DNA serves to influence the way your DNA is expressing itself. Your THINKING can INFLUENCE the way your DNA expresses itself. (iii)  ...

Neuro Plasticity

  Each person exists of about 600 billion cells that are built out of 100 000 different proteins. STEM cells are the WAREHOUSE that holds the content of EVERY one of the different cells that make up our body-functions like liver, heart, bones, kidneys, and the BRAIN. The act of THINKING transforms STEM cells into BRAIN cells called NEURONS. There are two stages of neuron growth: * Infant to individual neurons. This stage takes 20 days.    This represents working and short-term memory.    Unless these NEURONS are continuously ACTIVATED by the ACTION    of THINKING they DIE.   * Individual neurons to Network-neurons that are fully INTEGRATED   into the PRESENT NEURON NETWORK. This represents    PERMANENT or UNCONCIOUS (AUTOMATIC or PROGRAMMED)    MEMORY.   Driving your car happens AUTOMATICALLY unless something   unforeseen (unusual) happens. Like a dog running in front of the ca...

The Analogue Brain and Maths

       To really understand Towermaths and its development we have to take a closer look at the brain. Why? Becaus e it is in the brain that LEARNING takes place. In fact: Learning is GROWING the brain.     The brain is an ANALOG system. Compare two clocks. The ANALOG clock shows two pointers showing hours and minutes. To the ANALOG brain the PRESENT does exist: It could be one hour or one minute or one day or even one week/month or year depending on its context A SENSE of the PRESENT is ESSENTIAL for LEARNING! The DIGITAL clock shows only hour/minutes as it exists in an INSTANCE in TIME. The PRESENT does not exist. The future FLOWS across the LINE of TIME to become the past INSTANTLY. WITHOUT a PRESENT LEARNING is IMPOSSIBLE. It has to be DESIGNED into the DIGITAL SYSTEM at great cost and complexity. A sixteen-year-old ANALOG system drives a car. A DIGITAL system to drive a car is being developed at a cost of BILLIONS of dollars and is st...